Scholastic Book Order

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weather Forecast

We have been learning about weather.  The class worked with a partner and created a 5 day weather forecast and an assessment at the end of the unit.  They worked really well together and they turned out really cute.  Please take time and enjoy the videos.
I would like to thank Mr. Asalele who came in and recorded the weather forecast.

Mrs. Nelson

Weather Forecast: Grace and Hadley

Weather Forecast: Alex and Anthony

Weather Forecast: Lona, Harmony, and Gionna

Weather Forecast: Munevera and Carson

Weather Forecast: Ryan S and Amra

Weather Forecast: Darin and Bryan

Weather Forecast: Alexa and Hayat

Weather Forecast: Ryan H and Sandor

Weather Forecast: Ellis and Garman

Weather Forecast: Christian A and Christian D

Weather Forecast: Andrew and Jacob

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Update 1.23

Hello Everyone!  We are now in the 4th week of this six weeks.  Time is just flying by and the kids are growing so much.  I am so proud of all of the growth I have seen this year. 
Harmony Around the World: Harmony Around the World is a multi-cultural night that we hold each spring.  Each class choose a country, prepares a tri-fold board about the country, a food dish, and a basket for a silent auction.  It is really a fun night.  It will be held on April 13th. 
Our class has selected Samoa. We have been working with Mr. Asalele on a presentation for the program.  The kids are really doing great with remembering the routine! 
This year the school is putting together a Harmony Around the World Cookbook as a fundraiser.  Each homeroom is submitting a recipe for their country. If you have any recipes that we could use please email them to me.  If you have any pictures, artifacts, or other items that we could borrow for that night please let me know. 

Reminders: Re-enrollment forms went home on Friday. They are due by February 10th.
Upcoming Events:
*Monday, January 23rd 2012!
Take a break from the kitchen and bring your whole family
out to Cici's pizza on Alta mesa & McCart for dinner or even lunch!
Be sure you place your receipt inside the box next to the register
or your support will not go towards our Robotics team!
Come help out your school's team, and enjoy a delicious buffet!
Teachers come down the street for lunch to support your high school team!
10% of the proceeds will go to our team! All support is appreciated!
*Tuesday February 14th- V-day Party see sign up email coming out this week for items to bring
*Thursday the February 23rd- Casa Manana Field Trip to see Charlotte's Web
Forms will go home around the first of February
*Friday February 24th-Early Dismissal and Parent/Teacher Conferences Friday February 24th- Sign up will go out the first week in Feb

*Spring Break the week of March 12th.

What's going on this week?
Future tense (going to, will), conclusions, organizing ideas
Math: Subtraction and fact families
Science: Weather and Seasons
Social Studies:  Maps
Spelling words: show, row, grow, low, blow, snow, boat, coat, road, toad, flown toast
Sight Words: done, great, laugh, paper, soon, talk, were, work
I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 
Mrs. Nelson