Scholastic Book Order

Friday, February 3, 2012

Reader of the Month Contest

Congratulations to Kaylee Vo!  Her name was drawn for third place.  She won a $20 gift certificate.  I am really proud of everyone for all of their hard work.  Our class submitted a ton of entries.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Update 1.30-2.3

Hello Everyone!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  This time of year starts to get busy.  So take a look at the upcoming events section to see what is going on.
Project Note Coming Home:
We will be starting our Harmony Around the World Project this week as it ties into our topic in Social Studies. I am attaching the note that will come home with your child later this week.  The note your child will bring home will have their selected topic. 
Re-enrollment forms went home on Friday. They are due by February 10th.
Upcoming Events:

*Chocolate Fundraiser: Starts 1/31 and ends 2/19.  Parents must return forms and pick up chocolate in the front office.
*Tuesday February 14th- V-day Party see sign up email coming out this week for items to bring

*Thursday the February 23rd- Casa Manana Field Trip to see Charlotte's Web
Forms will go home around the first of February

*Friday February 24th-Early Dismissal and Parent/Teacher Conferences Friday February 24th- Sign up will go out the first week in Feb

*Spring Break the week of March 12th.

What's going on this week?
ELA:  Preposition, word choice, and cause and effect
Math: Word Problems
Science: Day and Night
Social Studies:  Human Characteristics
Spelling words: bedtime, backpack, himself, sunset, playpen, rowboat, bathtub, raincoat, homemade, flagpole, inside
Sight Words: door, old, want, more, try, wash, mother, use

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Mrs. Nelson