Scholastic Book Order

Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Information

Hello Parents-
We are having a Winter Breakfast Party on December 15th at 8:45 am.  We will be making pancakes and have other breakfast foods. We will continue the day with a book exchange, crafts, and games.
If you are able to send a food item pleases sign up through (Mrs. Nelson's First Grade Winter Breakfast Party). The signup went out today.  Please leave a comment if you will be able to attend and help with the pancakes and passing out of food.
Book Exchange:
For the book exchange please send a wrapped book (gender friendly), around $5.00.  Students who bring a book will play a game and exchange books.  If a student does not bring a book they will not be able to participate.  
The kids can bring a board game to play with classmates.  Please make sure your last name is somewhere on the game.   We are learning about money right now so money games would reinforce those skills.
On December 16th we will have our Holiday program at 9am in the cafeteria.  We will then watch Polar Express in the classroom.  Students may wear pajama’s (dress code appropriate) to school.  Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for outdoor play.

Holiday card for the military:
Parents we have an opportunity to send cards to service men and women for the holidays.   If you would like to make a "Happy Holiday's" card with your child please do so over the weekend and send it to school with your child.  We will make some cards in centers next week, but our time is limited and we need to have some ready to send by Tuesday. Thanks in advance for you support! 

I know this is a lot of info.  I will send reminders as we get closer to the events. Please let me know if you have questions.

Mrs. Nelson 

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